Group Parent Coaching for Autism

Feeling isolated, even from your child.

When I speak with parents of autistic children, there’s a recurrent theme: Isolation.

Not only is there the pain of your child’s disconnection from you and seeing your child resist or struggle to form real connections for themselves. There’s also the pain of feeling like you’re in this by yourself.

Hearing teachers and other children label your child as, “The bad kid;” seeing your nieces, nephews, and friends’ kids and all their achievements on Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp… just makes you feel even more alone.

Simple things like playing ball, riding bikes together, baking cookies… things you thought would be givens in your relationship with your child. Your relationship with your child… what relationship?

Running in circles with no change.

If your child is “lower functioning,” everyone says, “He’s just shy.”

If your child is “high functioning,” what used to be called “Aspberger’s,” you’re sick of hearing, “But she’s so smart! “He’ll grow out of it.” “She’ll be fine.”

Nobody gets it. Nothing ever changes. That IS the problem. If you try to change anything to help your child grow in any way, there’s resistance… or meltdowns.

You’ve started to believe nothing ever will, ever can change. It’s like a train that just goes in circles.

You’re not alone!

When I ask parents of children with ASD what their best resource is, the most common answer I hear is: Each other.

No one understands what it’s like to have a child on the spectrum like another parent of a child on the spectrum.

And in a world that’s bombarding you with messages of miracle cures and quack solutions, there’s really no better way to find what *really works* than to connect with others who are in the trenches and trying to navigate this along with you.

Reaching out is hard.

The problem is that there are a lot of groups out there. Well, the reality is THIS IS HARD, but a lot of the groups out there do nothing for hope. You go online and hear horror stories that just get worse.

You want to connect with other parents, but there’s so much pain and disappointment out there; and you have so much of your own burdens to bear. Sometimes, you just don’t have the energy to hear everyone else’s burdens.

Or maybe you’ve given up on reaching out altogether, because it’s easier to just compartmentalize, taking it day by day.

You’re afraid that opening up to others, to their pain, will overload you and take you over the edge. And you need to keep it all together. If you don’t, who will?

But that just brings you back to isolation and hopelessness.

You want real change that eliminates isolation.

You wish there was a group where you could rise above the isolation and learn REAL LIFE STRATEGIES to make things better for YOURSELF and YOUR CHILD.

You don’t want band-aid, temporary fixes. Rather, you want to learn important things that you can master and apply throughout your life.

You want things that can bring immediate relief and put you and your child on the road to long-term, positive change and growth. Freedom! Flight!

Well, such change is possible.

In our Transforming Autism Together group, you’ll find immediate support from other parents like you. You’ll learn how to build a support network for yourself – when you need it, in the way you need it, so you can get off the rails.

Not only that, you’ll be learning strategies you can apply right away that will help you connect with your child now and enable you to become a confident guide for them as they grow into their future.

And it won’t just be about learning concepts. You’ll get lots of opportunity to practice what you learn and get ongoing feedback, so you can master and own it, really make it a part of your life.

So, you can get the support and strategies you need to fly.

No more solo – join us!

To find out more, email ( now to schedule a time to talk.

I’ll get to know you, your concerns, and your needs – and help you decide if Transforming Autism Together is the best next step for you and your family.